Thursday, October 30, 2008

Elmo Live Review - The Best Elmo Toy Ever

Although it seems as though the Muppet character of Elmo has been around forever, he was "born" in the early 1970's. For many years he was only a background character and wasn't given much exposure or air time. Almost 15 years after his creation, 1984, talented puppeteer Kevin Clash gave him new "life" and so began his rise to the high level of popularity that surrounds Elmo today. How popular is Elmo? To say that he's very popular would be a serious understatement, and the Elmo Live reviews definitely show how much critics love this doll.

He's so popular that many of the Elmo Live reviews predict that holiday sales eventually prove it to be more popular than the craze that followed the creation of the Tickle Me Elmo doll back in 1996. Although a relatively young character compared to original Sesame Street stars like Big Bird or the Cookie Monster, Elmo has risen to an arguably higher prominence. Several generations of children have grown up with Elmo and every day, more children become fans, but more importantly, they see Elmo as their friend. Elmo has a high pitched voice and speaks in third person. Beginning sentences with phrases such as "Elmo thinks" or "Elmo likes", many preschoolers seem to associate with his awkwardness and behavior unlike any of the adults that they know. This bond that he shares with younger children is obviously part of the reason why so many of them consider him a close friend.

According to one Elmo Live review, the new toy is a considerable improvement over the original Tickle Me Elmo doll sold back in 1996. With a much larger vocabulary and a greater range of movement, Elmo Live surpasses the original doll by a long shot. Elmo Live sings, laughs, and tells jokes. He can "stand up" and he can even introduce himself to you. One Elmo Live review said if you squeeze his nose, back, tummy, foot, or simply tickle him, you can get his attention. Children, of course, can easily do this and they always love the attention that Elmo Live will give them. He's their best friend and they will probably be able to spend hours of fun playing with him.

During the height of his popularity in the late 1990's, Elmo actually went on a speaking tour and made appearances on NBC's the Today show and the daytime talk show Ellen. The studio audiences were packed with children and their parents who were all there to see a simple puppet talk, since and dance a little. A Puppet! Very few if any of the other Sesame Street characters ever experienced such a strong following. Kids couldn't get enough of Elmo back then and they still can't get enough of him today. If you collect Elmo Live reviews from children on who have actually seen the toy, you'd get an overwhelmingly favorable response.

One Elmo Live review indicates this toy is more than an upgrade to the original Tickle Me Elmo doll. He's a significant step or leap closer to having the "real" Elmo in your home, playing with your child. They already know him and they're already his friend. Bring Elmo Live into your home and make your child's dream come true. In fact, according to most Elmo Live reviews, with advanced animatronic parts that help bring Elmo Live come to life through various movements and a wide range of vocal sayings, you might actually forget that the real Elmo isn't even real at all. The puppeteers who give life to the Muppets have always been able to get us to forget that what we're watching are often nothing more than wood, metal, and furry cloth. The Elmo Live doll has the same ability to help you forget, except instead it being on television, he'll be right in your very own home. This connection between Elmo and young children is part of the magic, and part of the reason why he's been an enduring friend for the last 30 years. Every Elmo Live review points to the fact that this is going to be the hottest Christmas toy of the year. Don't ignore it.

Please visit us to learn more about elmo live.

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